YOU can make even MORE MONEY as the RevUp31 Corporate Retail, Internet, and Offline Media Divisions work tirelessly around the clock to sell our products on TV, in magazines, newspapers, on the Internet, in retail giants such as Costco, Walgreens, GNC and more... and we place that sales volume BELOW YOU!
But before we get into the exciting details, we want to
answer a question
that we know is on your mind...
Just $1.44 per day plus shipping and handling to become part of the fastest growing Team on the Internet today!
* We will ship your Introductory Order (one month supply) of the most revolutionary anti-aging, overall health improvement daily nutritional supplement that is so effective you'll soon be seeing it on the shelves of Costco, Walgreens, GNC, and more!
* We will establish your FREE Lifetime membership on the RevUp31 Corporate Team, giving you access to our Members Only web site offering excellent information about our products and resources for exploding your new Home Business.
* We will flick the switch on your very own custom, fully automated MyRevUp31 online money-making system that will work 24/7 FOR YOU, promoting RevUp31, and PAY YOU for every order that occurs through your web site.
* We will give you marketing tools, custom web sites, training, and MORE to help you take your new online home business to whatever level of success you desire.
* Our Corporate Retail, Internet, and Offline Media Divisions will be working around the clock to bring product sales into your personal business, making you more money!
daniel, the world is changing before our eyes. World economies are in a slump. Jobs are being lost, people are getting laid off, salaries are getting reduced. Yet our daily cost to live remains the same... or has gotten HIGHER.
No one can escape what's happening. They can only take action RIGHT NOW to ensure they survive these tough economic times. And it's becoming increasingly obvious to most of us that the solution is to take matters into our own hands; to not rely 100% on working for businesses owned by other people; to start a business of our own!
If you are like 99% of the people on our team who were once reading this very web page, just like you are right now, you are probably saying the same thing to yourself:
Does this sound like you? If it does that's ok and we truly understand. Simply remember this...
Just pay $1.44 per day plus Shipping and Handling for your product and YOU are IN!!
How could you not afford to explore a BRAND NEW business concept that provides you with all the powerful amenities listed above, for just $1.44 per day!
Let's face it...
When it comes to finding a solution to increasing our monthly incomes it's no wonder we all look to the Internet.
Most of us already own a computer or have access to a computer so there's the "office". Most of us live in a location that has access to the Web so there's our one low overhead expense. And the Internet is full of available opportunities so there's our options to choose from.
But IS every business opportunity we read about online created equally? And if they can actually make us rich, what's required of us and how long will it take?
Truth is daniel, most people don't ask themselves these questions. They read the headlines, or they get some exciting email that sounds too good to pass up, and they jump in with all fingers and toes crossed, hoping for instant wealth.
Thankfully, MyRevUp31 is here to bring things back to planet Earth; to ask you to stop and consider what's realistic and what isn't; to enlighten you on ideas and concepts presented by most business opportunities that may or may not actually make you the money they are claiming is possible.
Now, lets take a look at those 3 major flaws...
The products. How many business opportunities out there today are enticing you with a Virtual Product... a product you can't touch, taste, or smell. A product that never arrives on your doorstep. You can't hold it in your hands and show it to your friends. It's an online product. Well... when we look around our answer is "about 85% of them".
Now, there's nothing really wrong with a virtual, Internet based product line as long as it has some value to it. Honestly, does a product line of 50 e-books about ad copy writing How To's, building your mailing list, web site SEO tools, and so on, REALLY help the majority of us in any way? If it benefits YOU, great! But what are the chances these 50 e-books will appeal long term to anyone who you introduce to that program? If the excitement fades too fast, so does your residual income.
There is nothing more disappointing than to find a home business you like, jump in with both feet, and days later discover that the products have no real long term appeal or benefit to your target market.
The uniqueness and quality of the products. I mean, look around the web and what do you see? We see a lot of products and entire product lines that are VERY similar.
Seriously, how many nutritional supplement variations does the world need that contain the same key ingredients? How many variations of beauty products like creams and lotions does the world need that offer the exact same benefits?
Perhaps variety IS good. But we know one thing for certain... it's NOT GOOD FOR YOU if you are starting an online home business trying to sell another "me to" product that countless thousands have already been selling for years! Why would any of us want to begin a new home business and immediately face massive competition? Doesn't it make more sense to find a home business opportunity with a product line that is unique?
There is nothing more disappointing than to find a home business you like, jump in with both feet, and days later discover that you have massive, fully entrenched competition in the marketplace.
How the home business plan pays you for your efforts. Big numbers and huge income possibilites are wonderful, and no doubt very true and achievable in most home business opportunities. But when you start reading the fine print and see thirty four IF statements and requirements about when and how you can make money... be careful!
If you read a compensation plan three times and still can't decipher it, watch out! If you jump on a few conference calls to have it verbally explained and it still makes no sense, tread lightly!
There is nothing more disappointing than to find a home business you like, jump in with both feet, and days later discover that it's nearly impossible to make any money because of all the rules and restrictions in the commission plan that even the most experienced would find hard to understand.
Are you ready for some great news?
Here at MyRevUp31 we are Team players. Our motto is "No One Gets Left Behind. Everyone on this Team Succeeds as a Member of RevUp31."
The RevUp31 Corporation has done a tremendous job in understanding and tackling the 3 Major Flaws of the home business industry. They designed a tangible product that you can touch, smell and taste (it tastes great by the way). In fact, when you join today by just paying shipping and handling your Introductory Order will be packaged up and on its way to your house in less than 24 hours!
The RevUp31 Corporation also designed a product line that is truly unique, and contains all-natural ingredients that are revolutionary to the Health and Wellness Industry and will benefit you greatly. We have yet to find a daily nutritional supplement that solely focusses on this one major antioxidant that is changing the lives of thousands of people worldwide. More on that in a moment.
And finally, the RevUp31 Corporation designed an easy to understand, fair compensation plan without hundreds of rules and regulations. Simply put... we want you to enjoy our products AND we want you to make a lot of easy money on our Team!
Imagine a business concept that PAYS YOU 100% of the commissions on every new Introductory sale you make! A very common practice in other home business opportunities is to pay you a fraction of the total commissions on new sales, and spread the remainder of the money amongst other components of the plan, which means less money to your pocket!
Through their years of online marketing experience RevUp31 knows and understands the expenses involved with marketing. And as business owners they understand that making profits fast is crucial to your success. And they feel that while we are all working as a Team to succeed together, YOU simply need to make 100% of the commissions when YOU went through the time and possible expense that it took to make a new sale.
As a result of this simple yet ingenious idea, we have never seen so many members getting into profit as quickly as they are at RevUp31. From our 18+ years of experience in the home business industry we can safely say that RevUp31 members have got to be breaking numerous income records in the industry. It's just awesome to see and it's happening monthly. Will you be next?
Now the commission plan doesn't stop there! RevUp31 instituted a "Team Up" system whereby YOU make additional money month after month as a result of your Team's efforts.
RevUp31 is a powerful nutritional supplement containing one of the world's most exciting, newly discovered antioxidants...Resveratrol! Resveratrol is found in plants, nuts, and the skins of red grapes. When taken in higher doses it has been found to activate your body's natural, genetic defence against aging and the disease of aging such as heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes, Parkinson's, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, even cancer. It has also been shown to increase weightloss!
Recently Resveratrol has been featured on many popular TV news programs.
"Now scientists across the country have identified a substance in red wine called Resveratrol, that they believe might do a lot more than just protect the heart. In very high concentrations it can significantly extend live by preventing a number of age related illnesses."
"The fact that there are genes that control aging is really one of the most exciting discoveries in the last decade or more.... Exciting because the genes are activated by Resveratrol."
"A lot of folks know that red wine is reportedly good for you. It turns out wine is red because of a chemical in it called Resveratrol. One of the ways we think red wine benefits health is because of that anti-aging chemical (Resveratrol). "
"A few of these genes play a key role in the speed at which our our cells age. Tens of thousands of cells were randomly tested, searching for the chemical that would activate those genes. We have discovered that Resveratrol seeks out Gene 31 (the anti-aging gene) and turns it on!"
"The key is a substance naturally found in red wine called Resveratrol. Maybe in people we can use Resveratrol to treat disease of aging like Diabetes, Cancer and Alzheimers."
"They found that the miracle compound is something called Resveratrol, which is found in the skins of red grapes... and now of course it's only a matter of time until scientists will be able to put it into pill format."
Speaking of cancer, researchers from the National Cancer Institute found that Resveratrol inhibits the growth of many types of cancer cells, including leukemia, skin and prostate cancers, and reduces the incidence of tumors!
Other recent studies claim that Resveratrol can improve the performance of the brain and heart, and increase the life-span of the cells in our bodies. Many nutritionists and health professionals prescribe Resveratrol for people with a poor immune system or who are recovering from an illness.
More extremely exciting benefits of Resveratrol are increased energy and weightloss!
There's no denying that this amazing antioxidant called Resveratrol is a "Must Have" in our lives today. With so many toxins and free radicals in the air we breathe and the food we eat, and with the effects of a poor diet starting to create more and more health issues for many American's and others world wide, WE ALL NEED AN ANSWER.
And we believe the new RevUp31 daily nutritional supplement is the answer!
Our patented RevUp31 formula comes in three forms - Liquid, Capsules, and a Concentrated Tincture. And while doctors and reasearchers have found that a mere 25-50 milligrams of Resveratrol per serving is enough to generate the positive effects of consuming this amazing antioxidant... our RevUp31 formula contains up to 10 times this amount! For example, our Liquid Supplement contains 320 milligrams of Resveratrol per serving!!
So ask yourself... can you really afford NOT to take advantage of everything this program has to offer?
When you consider that your out-of-pocket expenses will be less than a couple of bucks per day, that your health and overall quality of life stand the chance to be GREATLY enhanced, that you could actually live a longer, healthier life, and that you have the ability to finally start MAKING MONEY simply by capitalizing on our HUGE "collective" Team effort, the only possible way you can fail is by not taking action.
Trust me. If you allow this incredible, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pass you by, you'll forever regret the decision. But I'm confident that won't happen.
Why? Because I'm certain you want to live a LONG and HEALTHY life. I'm certain that as you grow older you want to do everything possible to slow down the effects of aging and at any cost avoid the common diseases of aging. I'm also certain that you want SUCCESS. I'm certain that having financial control over your life means a great deal to you. And I'm certain that you're truly prepared to take your HEALTH and your WEALTH to the highest possible level!
The time to act is now -- not tomorrow, not "someday", but right here, right now!
If you still are not convinced and would like to join us on a LIVE teleconference
to listen in and ask questions please click the link below